Who are Bloggers?
Pertama GoBlog - Bloggers are people who create and manage Blogs, share their views and perspectives with online audiences for both personal and business purposes.
The topics discussed were varied, from art to politics.
Currently, there are many bloggers who are famous and have become 'celebrities' in the online and offline world.
Some people make blogging as a side profession, some others view blogging as their main career, while others only write blogs to channel their hobbies or as a way of expressing their opinions.
Blogs are basically journals that exist on the web. Its updating activity is called blogging. People who "blog" are called bloggers.
So, the definition of a blogger is a person who blogs or manages a blog. In the KBBI it is stated, blogger is a term for people who blog; blogger; blogger.
Blogger also refers to Google's Blog platform, namely Blogger with a subdomain of blogspot.com or blogspot.co.id
Blogger is a Blog publishing service that accepts multi-user Blogs with time-tagged entries.
It was developed by Pyra Labs, which was bought by Google in 2003. The blogs are hosted by Google and are generally accessed from the "blogspot.com" [Wikipedia] subdomain.
Being a blogger is a fun profession though not so easy. He doesn't have to stay in one place if he wants to write content.
There are even bloggers who fill their content by traveling or traveling, but of course this depends on the type of blog created.
Since the internet can be accessed easily from anywhere, that's when anyone can become a blogger.
Some bloggers have now even made their blogs their main source of income through advertising programs (eg AdSense, paid posts, link sales, or affiliates).
So then came the term professional blogger, or problogger, that is, people who depend only on blogging activities, because there are many channels of income, both dollars and rupiah, from this blogging activity.
To establish a relationship because they have the same hobby, bloggers have a forum, usually called the Blogger Community.
The blogger community is a bond formed from [bloggers] based on certain similarities, such as the similarity of regional origins, the similarity of campuses, the similarity of hobbies, and so on.
The bloggers who are members of these blogger communities usually often hold activities together such as ground coffee.
To be able to join the blogger community, usually there are some conditions or rules that must be met to be able to enter the community, for example coming from a certain area.
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